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Last updated on 10 June, 2009
Reference AIR20/8474    
Name of operation MAGDALEN (not completed) Date of operation 18-19 Oct 1943
Aircraft Lysander E V9822 Squadron 161 Squadron, RAF
Based at RAF Tangmere, Sussex, UK Pilot(s) F/O J.A.McCairns
Personnel In - Packages In -
Personnel Out - Packages Out 3
Area Compiègne Pinpoint 49° 29' 15" N / 03° 11' 10" E
Recognition signal "F" Answering signal "N"
Takeoff 22:45 Landing -
Time on ground -    
Takeoff -  Landing 03:35

[Note: this information was copied from the original handwritten report filed under reference AIR20/8474 held in the UK National Archives]

Meteorological report

10/10ths medium cloud over channel and 5/10ths low cloud. Medium 10/10ths and light low cloud over Northern France clearing over target giving excellent conditions.l

Enemy opposition

Light flak, inaccurate, 4 miles SW Chauny on eastern side of Aisne Canal.

Report by pilot

Arrived at Compiègne by 00:40 and set course for the target. As I did not receive any signal I returned to Compiègne and made a second run. On this run I identified the field and stayed in the vicinity for one hour. At 02:00 I set course for base.

Signed by J.A.McCairns

Flight Commander's Remarks

Subsequent messages confirmed that there was no reception.

Signed by S/L Verity

Remarks by OC 161 Squadron


Signed by W/Cmdr Hodge.