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Last updated on 29 August, 2021
Reference AIR20/8469    
Name of operation MAGDALEN II (completed) Date of operation 16-17 Nov 1943
Aircraft Lysander J (Verity)
Lysander E.V. 9822 (McCairns)
Squadron 161 Squadron, RAF
Based at RAF Tangmere, Sussex, UK Pilot(s) S/Ldr Verity
F/O McCairns
Personnel In 3 - Verity
3 - McCairns
Packages In 1 - McCairns
Personnel Out 2 - Verity Packages Out 4 - McCairns
Area East of Compiègne Pinpoint 49° 29' 13'' N / 03° 11' 10'' E
Recognition signal "D" Answering signal "M"
Takeoff 00:01 - McCairns
00:05 - Verity
Landing 01:50 - Verity
02:00 - McCairns
Time on ground 3 minutes - Verity
5 minutes - McCairns
Takeoff 01:53 - Verity
02:05 - McCairns
 Landing 03:35 - Verity
03:35 - McCairns

[Note: this information was copied from the original typed report filed under reference AIR20/8469 held in the UK National Archives]

Meteorological report

Cumulo-Nimbus in channel, base 1500', tops probably 7 or 8000', clearing 20 miles inland. Stratus base 2000' over target - visibility 3 miles.

60 miles before the French coast to 20 miles inland, 10/10 the cumulo-nimbus from 1500' to 9500'. 10/10ths light stratus in target area with poor visibility and much in the valleys.

Enemy opposition


Report by pilot

Rendezvous N.E. of Compiègne was made quite happily with McCairns. I pinpointed at a lit-up factory at Guny on the canal E. of the target and found the target. After my take-off I led McCairns to the field with landing light and navigation lights. The flarepath was difficult to find because Capitaine Martin had paper discs over his torches. There would have been four passengers in each a/c, had Air Ministry not reprimanded Capitaine Martin for sending four on Magdalen I. My view is that four medium sized passengers may safely be carried in a Lysander if no luggage is carried.

Signed by H.B.Verity, S/L

Flew under cloud to rendezvous at Compiègne where I made R/T contact with S/Ldr. Verity. Proceeded to target area, but saw no signal and stayed in the vicinity until S/Ldr. Verity had completed his operation. I found the flare path with the aid of his navigation lights and landed immediately.
The ground was excellent but the flarepath was badly lit by several torches.

Signed by F/O McCairns

Remarks by OC 161 Squadron

I think in the case of E.P.O.Ws 4 can be carried as there is no luggage, but I do not think it is a good thing to make a general practice of it.

Signed by L.M.Hodges, W/Cdr