Name Emile Victor THIRION Aliases  
Date of birth 3 March 1893 Profession Farmer
Address Ferme de Serzy et Prin, Marne, France Spouse/
Pauline /
Jacqueline (22), Jean (18), Vital (15) & Guy (11)
Position Safehouse Awards  
References NARA:RG498/290/55/27/2 Box 380 - Awards' file - Emile Thirion

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Last updated on 10 June, 2009

Abbé Fontaine brought Herbert Browning & Arthur Whalen (USAAF) to the Thirion's farmhouse. They stayed from 14 to 17 October 1943.

James Gillman, Joseph Kenny, Ian Robb (RAF) and Carlyle Darling (USAAF) were also staying there during this period. They were brought by Raymond Gallet and Abbé Fontaine.

When the Germans started making a house-to-house searches, Abbé Fontaine moved them all to a cave three kms away. Whalen & Browning returned to the Thirion's farmhouse and stayed from 19 October to 3 November 1943, before Raymond Gallet took them by train to Paris.

Jacqueline Thirion was arrested on 9th July 1944, accused of acting as a liaison agent for the resistance; she was released on 4th September 1944.